ANAND MANI SANKAR thoughts.toString( )

How to set up a blog with Jekyll and Github Pages - Part 2

Continuing from where I left off in my previous post, here’s how you can jazz-up your Jekyll blog:


The standard Jekyll scaffolding is just one way to bootstrap your jekyll blog. Some might find it basic, and would expect a little more to be available out-of-the-box. Fortunately, there are a few other ways in which you could bootstrap a more functional blog.

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How to set up a blog with Jekyll and Github Pages - Part 1

In my previous post, I wrote about some of my expectations from a blogging platform, and reasons why I was excited about Jekyll & Github Pages.

Here, I’ll give you a quick run-through of how to get a blog up and running in a matter of few hours.

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Hello Blog!

function blog(thoughts) {
	return thoughts.toString();

Having decided to blog, and contribute to some more garbage on the internet, I went looking out for a really quick way to set up shop.

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